Tuesday, August 19, 2008


hi hi. it's me again. chai chai - Jolene's fav pet in the world.
She took a nap - left her laptop on - so i took the initiative to write a few words....

Well - this month is not so good for her - as she was quite sick.
Her mom keeps telling her to rest her body, she doesn't listen so she fell sick.

I'm happy because this whole week - we played more than usual as she is home most of the time. She's home most of the evening - so I'm not that worried - if she's not home by midnight, I would be smacked by the MOM because I make so much noise -- "WHERE IS SHE? WHAT IF SHE IS NOT SAFE? WHAT IF SHE FAINTS?" But, to the family... it's MEOWWWWWW MEOWWWWW MEEEEOOOWWWW. *frustrated* communication barrier. sigh.

She also told me that her conversation with her doctor to follow up today...

Doc "You look a lot better!"
Jo *what does he mean.. I looked like shit when I was in hospital? probably la*
Doc "All the tests are completed, you're a lot better, but please if you want to move around ... do you have a driver?"
Jo *Driver? Not that rich*... "Sorry Doc, I don't have a driver .. unfortunately" *smiles*
Doc "Can you get one? Just I don't think you can drive yet."
Jo *oops* "Er. Doc.. actually I drove yesterday and today to see you."
Doc *EYES OPENED SO BIG* "What??? Oh! How is that for you?"
Jo "Well. It's quite fun. But - I can't turn my head too fast"
Doc "Oh I see. Just rest more - becareful. I'm giving you one more week MC..."
Jo *Har? ...... die*

She complaints about her one more week of MC -- I'm like ... what is MC?

Oh well... I oso went to do my sun-tan today!
Chill-axxxxxxxxxxxxx~ Signing off... Chai Chai

Sorry for waking you up in the morning while you were smiling to yourself... I thought something was wrong with you.


Jolene Loh said...

Er. I was smiling because ..... *embarassed* .....................................

I had a gooooood dream! lolx.

Anonymous said...

One more weeek MC? that's really looooong.. by that time you might just forget the directions to your office.. haha ;)

jack said...

chai~chai better pin her down! have her rest more! so time to use ur cat charm on her!! (=^_^=)

Jolene Loh said...

a: I KNOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW and I just bought these biscuits in office - would be empty by the time i go back to office.. sniff!

Anonymous said...

jack : harlo ~~ i will try - not guaranteed that she will listen tho... she a lot bigger than me - so quite hard for me to PIN her down.

Anonymous said...

haha, I think I know what kinda dream is it :P

Jolene Loh said...

mr jp: *pushes him back to his blog*... lolx.. SHHHHHH