Wednesday, August 13, 2008

hospitalized - part 1

Vertigo (from the Latin vertere, to turn, and the suffix -igo, a condition, i.e., "a condition of turning about"[1]) is a specific type of dizziness, a major symptom of a balance disorder.

It is the sensation of spinning or swaying while the body is stationary with respect to the surroundings. (SENSATION?!?)

The effects of vertigo may be slight. It can cause nausea and vomiting and, in severe cases, it may give rise to difficulties with standing and walking.

YEs yes. that's exactly what i had. Reading from the google search of "vertigo" which was mentioned once tooo many times this week. Exactly what happened to Jolene?

On Wednesday evening, i remember having a sip (noticed i said A SIP) of house red wine in Wabisabi with Eric, Chee Hooi & Alicia. I went to the bathroom and puked. (DRUNK already? wow, Jolene's cheap to feed!) Not exactly, I remember I told them this was different from "drunk"... Pure dizziness ... maybe it was because I didnt sleep much the night before. Maybe...

Next thing I know - working half day work... I had to go home coz my head was spinning... I managed to walk in the rain to my car... and drove over to my mom's office so she drove me home. I fell straight to bed.

On Friday - I was on mc. Panic like crazy as so much work I had to do... preparation for Tech.Ed SEA 2008. (do i get award now? coz I blogged about TE08?) I just simply cannot miss that event - remember I told myself. I find myself lying in bed the whole day - wanting to get back to sleep to enter the other world where I was absolutely fine - I can do so many things... in my dreams... compared to when I wake up to the dizziness vision I have.

Saturday - gotten better as I got injection on Friday - had to cancel all my dates (sorry folks for all the cancelation). I couldn't even go to the Kent Party, which was quite funny when I mentioned to one of my friends and having his reply "I dont know Kent that well..." lolx...

Having felt better, I was sent home - (as I was home alone) from my brother's place.... MAN, I'm like ALL OVER THE PLACE (P.S. note that i'm typing this while having my semi-dizziness)... the next thing I know. I plunged onto the bed. Dizziness attack! Once again.. I'm unable to do ANYTHING but lie on the bed. Couldn't go pee nor stand up or even move. I tried moving myself to be in a better position than lying 1/3 of the bed... and that was it. I was stuck there until my brother and sis in law came to my rescue... and decided to admit me into hospital. OMG!

I was delivered to the ER section - my first time, I sat on the wheel chair... while the nurse push me towards a bed. They asked "what's wrong with her?" ... pening... or pengsan... those were the words exchanged.. I don't even know what's the difference.... I lie there thinking... wow. I just experienced hospitalized via ER... what a great story for my blog.... ^_^

ok. ms. dizzy needs some rest now. will tell you part 2 later.

Jack gave me this link for how a kitty has similar traits. lolx


Alliepie said...

U puked at Wabi?? Wait a minute... I dont remember tat oso... Sorrie babes, i didnt know. I actually thought u drank a full glass of wine and got drunk...

Dont worry bout missing Kent's party tho. I dont think he minds. lol

Jolene Loh said...

alicia: babes ... i hope he doesn't mind.. i feel bad not teling him in person tat i couldn't show up.... lolx

yeah. a sip only plus that beer. guess what? i was haunted. seriously - that's coming up in part 2...

jack said...

after i looked up "vertigo"..
"balance disorder".. and the visual of a clips that i come across over youtube year back.. keep flashes across me mind.. (>.<).... i cant help it... it was burn into me brain somehow.. lolx...

Jolene Loh said...

jack: hahahhahahahaahahaha... that's exactly how i felt... ^_^ that's so funny!!!!!

i'm gonna put it on the blog. lolx