Sunday, April 27, 2008

pressure = rain = against the flow..

Ok Ok. Everything will be okay.

That's the beginning of the chapters of very famous - Sophie Kinsella's series. My very first series book that I have all the collection :) and actually reading them.

I've read all already - now I'm back at the book of the sister :)

I think about meeting my Luke Brandon. Every gal have their fantasy dude.. I have a confession to make...

Long distance isn't easy ... Yes. yes. i know some of you would be shouting there "SEE? I told you so!" Firstly, I salute to all of you who are in long distance... wow!

Ok. Pressure? Yes. It's not exactly the simple thing "I love you"... what i'm building is a foundation - to be quite honest... I've not even held his hands @_@... (a lot of you would go "OHhh ohh~~") What I'm trying to say is that... maybe things would be different if we were next to each other... as much as the emotional / mental chemistry that we have.. Physical chemistry needs to be part of it. I guess these tough times are just bumps in every single relationship - well.. Jolene Loh - Buckle up! There would be more bumps than ever... (hello? 77 more days only)

You maybe laughing reading this... or saying "WHAT THE HELL IS SHE TALKING ABOUT?" or.. no time... this is tooo deep. THAT's how i feel... funny, confused, too deep in thought... is this what they say about love? mmm...... suddenly remembered what my fortune teller said "Go with the flow ~~ You always try to swim against the current all the time - that's why you find life HARD!"

Was reading my old blog entries... i find myself amazed with what i wrote.. haha guess this is the motto of the week "sunshine will come after the rain!"... go with the flow ~~~


Anonymous said...

go with the flow ... yes. Like you advised me, the time will come for everything. Don't worry about it now :)

Pam Song said...

Nope, LDR is never easy. But if you brave it and your relationship survives it, you know there's something real and tangible that you both share.

Even when you can't hold each other's hands. =)